The United Reformed Church Chesham

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Times of Regular Activities

SundayServicesMornings 10.45am
See our home page for details of the next service
Holy Communion2nd Sunday morning each month
Junior ChurchMornings 10.45am:-
Creche (0-3 years)
JZone (3-13 years)
Family Service4th Sunday each month
MondayUrchinsToddler group, 10.00 - 11.30am
WednesdayCoffee ShopWeekly 10.00am - noon
Souper Lunchnoon - 2pm
Church MeetingFourth Wednesday each month 7.30pm
Bible Study - Each series is about 6 discussions on a theme (often related to a book) - contact us for detailsWednesdays 7:30pm, roughly fortnightly
FridaySinging Group4 - 5pm
SaturdayPilots (5-17)First Saturday each month 2 - 4:30pm


We continually seek to make our worship the very best that we can offer to God. Worship is the responsibility of the Minister in conjunction with an effective Worship Committee. Our worship combines liveliness with thoughtfulness, using both traditional and modern hymns and worship resources. Music is normally accompanied by our Grade 1 listed pipe organ, or piano, and occasionally augmented with other instruments. We have a singing group who meet as needed and sometimes enhance our music too.

Other services and meditations are held during the year, notably on Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday, often jointly with our friends from Trinity Baptist Church in Red Lion Street.

How does one take part in worship? Please take a seat and savour the silence or gathering music. Those who are able, are invited to stand during some parts of the worship (normally, at the start, the end and for singing), and whilst this is sometimes unannounced, the easiest way is to copy others around you. Listen actively whilst the words of the bible are read, and whilst the preacher discusses the application of this to our daily lives in the 'family talk' and the 'sermon'. Think about what chimes with you and what challenges you. You are encouraged to join in singing during the hymns (songs) and this is typically one of the main ways to respond and to actively take part in the worship.

Suggested devotional activities from the safety of your own home
#Prayer4CheshamChurch leaders have come together in unity to pray for our wonderful town of Chesham and the surrounding villages.
Chiltern Area Group Service Sunday 30th August 2020A joint effort from local URCs, with appearances from Chesham.
URC Daily DevotionsYou can access it from the website, or sign up to receive daily emails. This includes Sunday services in both written and audio format.
Worship online from other URCsEither whole services, or sermons
engage worship ideasA worship resource website which is also good for contemplation.