Minister: Revd Bridget Powell

// //
?> "; $fp = fopen ("services.txt","r"); if ($fp) { if ($headers = fgetcsv ($fp, 1000, ",")) { $reverseHeaders=array(); $headersLen=count($headers); for ($i=0;$i<$headersLen;$i++) $reverseHeaders[$headers[$i]]=$i; echo "
"; while (!$stopSearch && $data = fgetcsv ($fp, 1000, ",")) { if (eregi("^([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)$",$data[$reverseHeaders["date"]],$serviceDate)) { if ($serviceDate[3] < 100) $serviceDate[3] += 2000; if (($serviceDate[3] < $nowYear) || (($serviceDate[3] == $nowYear) && ($serviceDate[2] < $nowMonth) || (($serviceDate[2] == $nowMonth) && ($serviceDate[1] < $nowDay)))) { } else { if ($serviceDate[3] == $nowYear && $serviceDate[2] == $nowMonth && $serviceDate[1] == $nowDay) { $doToday=1; echo "

Services today

"; } else if ($doToday) { $stopSearch=1; } else { echo "

Next Service

"; } if (!$stopSearch) { $serviceTimestamp = mktime (12, 0, 0, $serviceDate[2], $serviceDate[1], $serviceDate[3]); echo "

"; echo date("l jS F Y",$serviceTimestamp)." "; echo " at "; echo $data[$reverseHeaders["time"]]; echo "
"; if ($data[$reverseHeaders["title"]]) echo $data[$reverseHeaders["title"]]; else { if ($data[$reverseHeaders["family"]]) echo "Family Worship"; else echo "Worship"; } if ($data[$reverseHeaders["communion"]]) echo " with Holy Communion"; echo "
led by ".$data[$reverseHeaders["minister"]]; echo "

"; } if (!$doToday) $stopSearch=1; } } } echo "
"; } fclose ($fp); } ?>

Look at our Activities page for additional information about what happens each month.

There are plans to improve our buildings in terms of disabled access and functionality for outreach.

Raise funds for our church whilst shopping online

If you shop online, please consider raising funds for our church, or for another charity, by using Easyfundraising. Easyfundraising works with thousands of well known retailers who will donate a percentage of your spend to the charity of your choice when you shop with them through the easyfundraising site, at no extra cost to yourself. All you need to do is register on the site, including selecting the charity you would like to support, and then every time you shop, do so through the link provided on the easyfundraising website. The retailer will then donate a percentage of what you spend to the charity you have selected with easyfundraising.

Note that we do not recommend shopping with the retailers linked to easyfundraising, but if you happen to want to buy something from them, please consider using Easyfundrasing.