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June 2007 Newsletter

Dear Friends

It’s a lovely bright evening after a day of spring showers and cooling breezes. I look around for direction signs. Platform 2 – up the stairs to my left. At the top two monitors, one with a timetable and one with details of the next train. I pause to read and check that my train is there. Yes it is; 15 minutes to wait. I move along the platform to sit down and fill the time reading. Two small local trains come in and then leave. The London train arrives and I gather with the crowd to get on, avoiding the first class carriage.

Where to sit? Do I want quiet or conversation? I choose my seat carefully. Fortunately there is plenty of choice and my bag sits beside me. The carriage is quiet with travellers weary at the end of the day and heading home. Further along the carriage, two children chatter and intermittently mobile phones play or click/click. The man opposite checks times and connections with me – we reassure each other that it’s the right train! The sun is setting and we’ve reached the station to change. I get off and make a quick dash to the next platform, where the train is waiting, quickly making sure this is the right connection. The times are not the ones I wrote down from the timetable before I set off! Mistakes are easy to make. I recall one journey home from Windermere. There was an accident on the line so it was replacement buses and then my best option was to go to Watford. A colleague started with us and then went to switch to the Birmingham train. When we eventually reached Watford at 10.45 pm, there she was on the platform having been misdirected. She had a long weary journey back.

I’ve arrived and it’s great when a familiar figure comes to greet me and give me a lift home. Then I begin to relax; no longer having to concentrate on routes and times and what may or may not happen. Home with a cup of tea and the familiar routine.

One journey, but how similar are many of life’s journeys, whether they are physical, mental or spiritual journeys. We want things to be planned and on time, but often this is not the reality. Changes and good connections are necessary for progress. Fellow travellers may give us a hand or share a problem. We may be able to help each other. There are signs and monitors and knowledgeable people to guide us. There is tension and maybe a sense of excitement, but when we see something familiar, we begin to relax. As is often said the best bit of any journey is the coming home.

It is also much easier if you share a journey with a friend. This gives the reassurance that you can’t both be wrong! Whatever journey we go on, we need not be alone, because if we ask God will come with us. He will be a constant friend and guide. We shall not want, God will guide us by the still waters and even when things are difficult he will be beside us. However long or short our journeys of life, we can be confident that there will eventually be a happy ending. As Jesus said, he came that we might all be saved and have life eternal.

I hope all your travels, holiday and outings, this summer will be smooth and times away will be refreshing and rewarding. May you know the reassurance that God is with you each day. May we all feel at home with God and know his peace as we travel towards his happy ending.

With love

Let's pray: God, creator and comforter, wherever there is conflict and pain in the world, be beside all who work to bring justice and peace. May we know that you are travelling with us in all we do and help us to follow your guidance.         Amen