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August/September 2009 Newsletter

Dear Friends

Given the opportunity I wonder how many of us would be prepared to stand on a soapbox and tell other people what we believe. Now the 100 days of 'human art' have started on the fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square, each hour someone is climbing up and taking their place to do just that or perform in some way. After the first lady took her place and campaigned for the NSPCC, the following occupants have had little publicity, but each will make an impact on all the crowds who visit the square, or if they have a nightspot maybe entertain the pigeons! This is an interesting idea and will no doubt amuse the many tourists to London, but it also gives a worthwhile opportunity to make a stand.

Many of us would shudder at the mere thought, while others would love the chance to be 'art'. In reality we don't need a plinth or a soapbox. Opportunities are there in our everyday lives to speak to others or to show by what we do exactly what we believe in. The crowds gathered round Jesus as he sat on the hillside or in a boat. He not only spoke and taught in the synagogue, but also in the street and in people's homes. A clear message of hope and salvation for all who responded.

Many things pause in August as school holidays guide us into a summer break. It is a time to pause and perhaps do something different. For those who are very busy the rest of the year, it is a chance to find space for refreshment. We all need times to pause and rest. Jesus made sure he found space to go away quietly and often took the disciples with him. I hope August will bring times of space and refreshment for all of you and that when the routines start again in September we will meet the challenges with new vigour.

There are exciting times ahead as plans have now been drawn up for our buildings and we will be looking at these to make choices on the 9th September. It is also a month to celebrate Harvest and this year we are including an all age Harvest Messy Church on Saturday 26th. Let's use the quieter times to focus on prayer for guidance and support as we try to follow Christ and then we will have the confidence as we meet together and in our daily lives to show by our words and actions what we believe.
We are wonderfully created as God's children - his 'Human Art'.

With love

A summer prayer:
Creator God, we are wonderfully made. Help us in the quiet times and in the busy times to know your guidance and care. Show us how to speak and act for you. Enfold us in your peace at all times.         Amen