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December 2011 / January 2012 Newsletter

Dear Friends

Advent is here again. We are preparing for celebrating the coming of Christ at Christmas and it is a busy time at home, at church, in the shops and everywhere we look! The green light for go and drive forwards is on. A picture of traffic lights came to mind – we need the balance of the three lights more than ever in our lives in this Christmas season. I hope you as I have, will have planned some red light stops in the preparations. Time to stop and reflect on the wonder of God coming to earth for us. Jesus coming as a small vulnerable baby with God’s promise of hope for us all. Why not take a moment to pick up a Bible and read the story of Jesus’ birth at the beginning of either Matthew or Luke’s Gospels. It’s a great story!

In our services as we sing the carols and hear the story of the first Christmas there will be times of wonder and quiet, but also joyful celebration. So in the traffic light analogy, where does the amber light come? In the middle of everything is Christ, the light of the world. Jesus holds us together in the busy and quiet times and will guide us, showing when to go or to stop. On Christmas morning we will light the central white candle in the Advent Ring to remind us again of Christ’s light coming to the world.

Today we continue to need God’s light to come into our world. The last year has brought some changes, but will they all be for the best? There are still places where injustice reigns and there are many innocent victims. People still live in hunger and inequalities are highlighted by global communications. The world needs the light of God’s love to bring hope for the future and the promise of peace in the Kingdom of God.

2012 will bring new challenges. As we step into the New Year, let’s think of taking our own personal set of traffic lights with us! Then we will be reminded to keep the starts and stops in our life in balance and to let the light of Jesus be in the centre of all we do. I’m not good at making New Year’s resolutions, but maybe if we all tried to let Christ’s light shine out more, we could help to spread some love and improve our bit of the world.

A very happy Christmas to you all and wishing you every blessing in the New Year.

With love
A prayer:
Jesus Christ, Light of the World, shine through all we do in the days ahead.
May we sense your close presence in busy and quiet times.
Speak in the hymns and carols, in the games and the mince pies, to help us feel your love and pass it on.
As the New Year arrives, keep us safe with you and walking in your light. Amen