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February/March 2016 Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Easter is early this year with Easter Sunday on 27th March and Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on 10th February. So the two months of this newsletter cover this very important time for our Church life. A time of expectation as winter turns to spring. A time for learning and enriching our spiritual lives. The Churches Together for Chesham Lent Talks this year will give us the opportunity to hear 5 excellent speakers each Wednesday in Lent. Why not take a friend along? There are also many books to guide you through Lent to Holy Week and Easter. If you are not sure how or where to find these books do ask. Many people like to mark Lent by giving up something they enjoy, such as chocolate. It is certainly a time, 40 days (not counting Sundays)- for reflection and looking at where one�s priorities lie.

Remember Jesus after he was baptised by John, went into the wilderness for 40 days to prepare to start his ministry. It was not an easy time as he became hungry and was tempted, but he didn�t give in or give up (Luke 4:1-12). Jesus always tried to find time to reflect and talk to God. He was very busy as crowds came to see him demanding healing and miracles. He knew he must teach them and especially his disciples so that they would be prepared to continue his ministry when he was no longer with them. He had a great deal to achieve in three years! None of us know how long we have and modern life can get very full, but that means it is even more important that we take time out to be quiet and speak to God.

Take time out to enjoy the signs of spring as flowers begin to bloom and trees blossom, birds nest and lambs frolic. It is a blessing that in this country spring and Easter coincide and we see nature come to life as Jesus defies death and the resurrection gives us a living Saviour. A Saviour who offers us forgiveness and hope of eternal life with him. The tapestry of life contains both dark and light threads, but through all the thread of God is there for us to grasp. A distant relative compared the strength of a relationship to that of a rope. He was used to mountain climbing and the ropes they used had to be strong � strong enough to save lives. He pointed out that the ropes had an extra thread running through the middle that would not break under pressure and this thread at the center gave the rope its strength. He suggested that having God in our lives is like having that strong thread holding together everything we do.

Time is a precious thing, use it wisely. Work, relax, rest and know peace.
With love,

A Prayer for Lent and Easter: As I travel through this time, loving Lord,
help me to take time to find space to talk to you.
How ever much I have to do, may there always be time to be with you.
May I take time to be quiet and know your peace sweep over me.
Give me courage when times are tough,
Give me joy when times are good,
And in all things may I remember that you are close by me. Amen