The United Reformed Church Chesham

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February/March 2018 Newsletter

Dear Friends,

I bring good news. Crisis served 4438 lunches at Christmas. 9700 volunteers worked to help the day go well. Our church raised £438 for Shelter. Goodwill abounds at Christmas and continues through the year. Happy Clappy Churches are seeing an increase in followers.

Good news is out there, but it has to be found. Our media are obsessed with bad news and all the worst happenings in our society. As you know I constantly phone the BBC to complain of their shortcomings, but I fear my calls fall on stony ground. If you feel moved to complain or congratulate the BBC you can phone 03700 100 222.

Given the average age of our membership ------ we are the lucky ones. We were generally well educated. We found jobs fairly easily and bought houses at a reasonable price. Now we can enjoy a pension. It is good to remember these blessings as we creak into old age.

When I left school, we were charged with the following and I would like to share it with you.

The Charge
"Each of you, whatever his or her position in the school, has added something to the life of the school, and for that addition the school is grateful. Now that the time has come for you to leave, it is my duty to charge you never to forget the benefits that you have received in this place, benefits that bring with them a responsibility. You take with you the name of the school. It is your duty to see that you keep this name high and never let it down by any future conduct on your part which might bring disgrace upon it. On the contrary, you should always seek to raise it higher.

With this charge I bid you go forth into the world in peace, be of good courage, hold fast that which is good, render no-one evil for evil, support the weak, comfort the faint-hearted, help the afflicted, honour all, love and serve the Lord."

Tom Hickling (Church Elder)

Tom's school - The Memorial Hall,
Bishops Stortford College
- photo by Ian Taylor Photography