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March/April/May 2024 Newsletter

From the Elders, June 2024

As the trees come into all their glory at this time of year we can but wonder at the fullness of their blossoms, the richness and diversity of all the greens, the cool overarching limbs along our country roads, and all the birds we can imagine nesting in their branches.

One of the celebrations for this year’s tercentenary was to adopt 3 saplings in Francis Wood, owned by Tim Clark (putting protection round a sapling – photo left below). It was a fine day, with a goodly company (see some of them – photo below) and a fascinating guide around the ancient woodland, following the “planting” of a lovely wooden plaque, courtesy of John Holland, commemorating Chesham URC 1724-2024.

As yet the saplings are but 2 feet tall (in old money) but we have hope……that in a few years they will grow tall enough and strong enough to have their protective sheaths withdrawn, that they will continue to grow and spread their branches offering protection to the woody floor beneath, that they will withstand any attack by predators, nibbling at their shoots or bark, that they will in the fullness of time become mighty oaks.

Does this resonate with us in our own lives? We all of us start as tender saplings, needing support and protection as we grow, from our families, our friends and our church family too.As we grow and begin to know the love of Jesus growing in us, giving us hope and courage in our daily lives. Sometimes it may seem that winter has set in and life is hard and bare but we know for a certainty that Spring will come, that God in His infinite wisdom will make all things new.

Challenges, storms may shake us, but like the trees, God is steadfast and strong in His love for us. Like our new saplings, so small and tender, we hope that they and we will continue to grow, and become mighty oaks in the Kingdom of God.

Yours in Christ,
